Important information about the closure of LMI for All
LMI for All portal
The LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decisions.

Explore LMI data – interested in the labour market and want labour market information?
Here you can find out where to access information on the labour market and link through to some websites using LMI for All data. You can also explore data using our widgets, Careerometer and Skillsometer.

Designers – want to design your own labour market information website or application?
Here you can get some inspiration on how LMI for All could be used in your own website and learn how others have done it.

Developers – want to use LMI for All?
If you are a developer and want to use the LMI for All service, the you can find out about the service, how to access the API and, importantly, find out about the structure of the database and the data it includes.