Summary of main datasets and indicators
The following provides a summary of the datasets currently within LMI for All.
Dataset 1. Employment
Provides very detailed information on job opportunities which covers the following dimensions:
- detailed SOC2010 4 digit occupational categories
- highest qualification held
- industry
- countries and English regions within the UK
- gender
- employment status (full-time and part-time employees or self-employment)
As well as historical employment levels this also includes projected employment levels for the next 10 years and estimates of replacement demands (which is a measure of job openings likely to arise over a selected period because of people currently employed retiring or leaving for other reasons). Please note data from 2000-2013 are only available at SOC2010 2 digit level.
Dataset 2. Pay and earnings
Provides the same level of detail on Pay, but does not include any projections. The current data are available for 2013, 2015 and 2017. Pay data are available for the following dimensions:
- detailed SOC2010 4 digit occupational categories
- highest qualification held
- industry
- countries and English regions within the UK
- gender
- age
- employment status (full-time and part-time employees or self-employment)
Average, median and decile pay data are available.
It is planned to update the detailed Pay information as new data become available on the same basis. As noted above, detailed comparisons between years will not produce statistically robust results at the SOC 4 digit level. A separate change indicator is provided for those interested in how pay by occupation is changing over time. It provides detailed information on changes by 4 digit occupation. Country /English regional variations are also distinguished, but there is no cross classification by any other dimension (e.g: industry, age, gender, employment status or level of qualification held).
Developers interested in changes in pay cross classified by these other dimensions are advised to use the aggregate change indicator rather than attempt to develop more detailed measures of change by comparing detailed pay estimates for two years.
Dataset 3. Hours
Provides a similar level of detail for Hours but does not include any projections. Nor does it cover qualifications. The current data focus on 2015. For technical reasons detailed comparisons between years will not produce statistically robust results at the SOC 4 digit level. It is planned to update the Hours estimates as new data become available on the same basis. Hours data are available for the following dimensions:
- detailed SOC2010 4 digit occupational categories
- industry
- countries and English regions within the UK
- gender
- employment status (full-time and part-time employees or self-employment)
Dataset 4. Unemployment rates
Provides information on Unemployment rates. In principle a similar level of detail is provided as for Pay (again excluding any projections). Unemployment rates are available for the following dimensions:
- detailed SOC2010 4 digit occupational categories
- industry
- countries and English regions within the UK
- gender
- employment status (full-time and part-time employees or self-employment)
However, small sample sizes mean that many of the more detailed results cannot be generated or published. In practice some of the details here and elsewhere may need to be suppressed because of concerns about privacy, disclosure of commercially sensitive information and lack of statistical robustness. Details of this are given in the description of the individual data sets.
Dataset 5. Number of vacancies
Provides information on Vacancies. At present this is based on the Employer Skills Survey and focuses on skills shortage vacancies for 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017. In principle, incorporation of a much broader range of vacancy information based on Job Centre data is planned, but this is not currently available in a suitable format.
Dataset 6. Skills, abilities and interests
Provides detailed data on the skills, abilities and interests associated with particular occupations (SOC2010 4 digit categories). The data are taken from the well-respected US O*NET system. They are tied to the UK occupational categories by a mapping that links each SOC2010 4-digit occupation with one or more US occupations.
Dataset 7. Occupational descriptions
Provides a detailed structure of SOC2010 occupations together with descriptions for each occupation. These data are from the ONS Standard Occupational Classification database.
Dataset 8. Current vacancies
Provides, through a fuzzy search, vacancies from Department for Work and Pensions’ ‘Find a job’.
Data set 9. Higher education destinations
Provides detailed data on the first employment destination of higher education students by course from HESA. Destination data are available for the following dimensions:
- Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) of employment at 4-digit level
- Level of qualification studied(Doctorate, Masters, Other Postgraduate, First degree, Other undergraduate)
- Whether qualification required for job
- Principal subject of study (classified by 2-digit principal subject of study, JACS)
Data set 10. Geographic patterns of employment
Provides detailed data on geographical patterns of employment and travel to work distances, which show how far people travel to work. Data are available for the following dimensions:
- Standard Occupational Classification (SOC2010) of employment at 4-digit level
- Geography, available for Output Areas, Lower and Middle Super Output Areas and the hierarchy of local government areas from wards to regions and nations