Symposium 2016
As LMI for All is becoming embedded in careers guidance and education practice, innovative and creative approaches to making data accessible and available to target groups of users are emerging. On the 1 December 2016, a symposium was organised to showcase how LMI for All is being used with presentations from current adopters; to share best practice; and to promote new developments of the service, which can benefit current and future users.
The LMI for All journey
Overview of the project, data and technical infrastructure by Jenny Bimrose and Rob Wilson (Warwick IER), Graham Attwell (Pontydysgu)
Adopters of LMI for All
There was also a number of presentations from users of LMI for All:
Department for Work and Pension Career Coach by Zoe Wareing
icould by Lucy Skipper
KareerHub by George Hewitt
Nextstep Cornwall Career Challenge by Ruth Bennetts
Prospects Help Build London app by Chris Minter
SkillsMatch by Yolande Burgess
u-explore Start by Jon Arundel