LMI for All: Job Quality Indicators
1. Job Quality: A Composite Indicator
Job quality is a multi-dimensional concept encompassing six or seven different domains depending on the datasets. For instance, the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS), which collected data from more than 35 European countries every five years since 1990, includes seven theory-based job quality domains, namely Earnings, Prospects, Skills and Discretion, Social Environment, Physical Environment, Work Intensity, and Working Time Quality.
Table 1. Job Quality Domains
Job Quality Domains |
Earnings |
Prospects |
Skills and Discretion |
Social Environment |
Physical Environment |
Work Intensity |
Working Time Quality |
Note: The construction of composite job quality indicators utilised the job quality domains as delineated by the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). Specifically, 4 out of the 7 key job quality indicators (highlighted in bold) were derived from data sourced from Understanding Society.
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by Sangwoo Lee