LMI for All Report

March, 2015, marked the end of the second phase of development for LMi for All. The report of the phase two work summarised the outcomes as follows.

Overall, the first three years of pilot development of LMI for All has been successful in achieving three key goals:

  • The development of a comprehensive data offer;
  • the implementation of robust, secure, fit-for-purpose technical infrastructure;


  • An increased awareness and understanding throughout the stakeholder community of its existence as a high quality, free resource.

Whilst the database has been developed to a level where it can be, and is being, harnessed by a range of stakeholder groups for various purposes, further areas for development include: updating current databases and adding additional databases relevant to supporting decisions about learning and work; further enhancement and testing of the technical infrastructure; and additional work with stakeholder groups to ensure the potential, together with the likely processes of engagement, are understood and can be implemented within organisational contexts.

You can download the full report here: LMI_for_All_Final_report.

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