LMI for All Hack Day

In 2013 LMI for All, in conjunction with Rewired State, hosted a Hack Day in central London. The event brought together designers from across the UK. The aim of the Hack Day was to allow a group of developers to hear from careers experts before designing apps which drew upon LMI for All data and could be used to help inform careers choices.


The event illuminates a central idea behind the LMI for All project – that allowing data to be accessed freely ensures that creative, talented developers can use it to power apps or websites that present labour market data in innovative, striking ways.

At the end of the day the developers presented their apps to a panel of judges, drawn from the careers sector, who then chose which apps they wanted to awards prizes to.


The winning apps and their developers were:

  • JobBungee by Ariel Elkin

An iOS app that presents LMI facts about a job, displaying live job listings and typical CVs.

http://hacks.rewiredstate.org/events/lmiforall/jobbungee (the site is no longer available)

  • Job Quest by Greg Mackelden

A 90s RPG style character generator based on the data available from the LMI for All API. Users put their ‘Job points’ into the available skills and are given an appropriate job.


  • LMI Everywhere Widget by Rupert Redington

A reusable widget to distribute labour market predictions.


To find out more about the apps which were created on the LMI for All Hack Day, please follow this link: http://hacks.rewiredstate.org/events/lmiforall

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